Fall 2006
Downtown Arlington Management Corp. hosts Elizabeth Levitt Hirsch and Glen Williams from the Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation to explore the possibility of bringing a Levitt Pavilion to Arlington.
February 2007
The Mortimer & Mimi Levitt Foundation commits $250,000 to opening a Levitt Pavilion for the Performing Arts in Arlington. The pavilion is the only Levitt Pavilion in Texas and the first one to be completely built instead of renovating an existing band shell or amphitheater. Arlington City Council takes action on the land that will house Founders Plaza and the Levitt Pavilion.
February-May 2007
Key community organizations and civic leaders meet to discuss forming an organization to raise the funds to make the Levitt Pavilion a reality.
May 2007
Architectural firm Gideon Toal is engaged by the City of Arlington to develop the design for Founders Plaza and the Levitt Pavilion.
July 2007
Mayor Robert Cluck and City Council members Kathryn Wilemon and Lana Wolff visit Pasadena, Calif., to see their Levitt Pavilion.
August-September 2007
Friends of the Levitt Pavilion Arlington create a business plan and begin raising funds.
September 2007
Demolition and site preparation begins for Founders Plaza. Park and pavilion designs are presented to City Council.
October 2007
Friends of the Levitt Pavilion Arlington receives state 501(c)(3) designation.
December 2007
$750,000 raised towards the Friends of the Levitt Pavilion Arlington goal of $1.2 million.
January 2008
The Arlington Tomorrow Foundation awards the Friends of the Levitt Pavilion Arlington a $100,000 grant.
February 2008
$1.1 million raised. Levitt Pavilion Arlington is named a finalist in the Best Community Impact category at the Dallas Business Journal’s 16th annual Best Real Estate Deals of the Year gala.
March 7, 2008
Ground-breaking ceremony for Founders Plaza and the Levitt Pavilion. Construction begins.
March 28, 2008
Patti Diou named Executive Director of Levitt Pavilion Arlington.
April 2008
The Gene and Jerry Jones Family Arlington Youth Foundation’s $85,000 gift puts Friends of the Levitt Pavilion Arlington over the top of their capital campaign goal.
May 22, 2008
Gene and Jerry Jones, along with their daughter, Charlotte, present the Friends of the Levitt Pavilion Arlington with the first check given from their family foundation.
Oct. 10, 2008
Opening night of the Levitt Pavilion for the Performing Arts in Arlington with more than 1,800 people in attendance to see Brave Combo.
Oct. 25, 2008
A record crowd of more than 2,200 come to downtown Arlington to see Celtic rock group, The Killdares.
Oct. 31, 2008
2008 Premiere Season ends with more than 15,500 in attendance for the pavilion’s first 16 concerts.